How far along? 19-20 weeks
Baby is the size of… a mango then a banana
Maternity clothes? Oh yes!!
Stretch marks? yep..
Sleep: Still getting up at least once a night for a potty break.
Best moment this week: Gender Ultrasound.. then the 2nd Gender Ultrasound...
Miss Anything? nothing I can think of
Movement: Lots of movement!! Lary was finally able to feel some flutters on July 11th!! Its hard for him to tell if it is really baby moving or not.
Food cravings: Sweets!! I don't turn any dessert down and I typically eat more than I should!!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing this week!
Gender: well...
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Very sore legs and back, tummy is definitely tight and expanding!
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? OFF.. I bought a ring to wear in place of my wedding band, it feels so weird not wearing anything
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but definitely have some moody spells
Looking forward to: Our family lake trip the last week of July!
19 week bump pic! It is really popping out this week!
These past two weeks have been very eventful!! I feel like I have been going non-stop which is good because come August when school starts, I won't be able to!
Chandler landed in Kansas City on Wednesday, July 9th. Jackson and I went and picked her up at the airport and did some shopping (of course). On Saturday July 12th we went to Sedalia for Uncle Terry's surprise birthday party, but Lary had to miss the party because he had to come back from Sedalia to work on a leak. The party was a success and Uncle Terry was definitely surprised! Anna Katherine landed in Kansas City on Wednesday, July 16th. We also had a check up and our growth and development ultrasound at WMMC Wednesday afternoon!! Baby is growing and healthy and weighs 14 ounces already!! The ultrasound tech spent an hour with us trying to find out what this little stinker is going to be!! BUT ornery baby Lehman kept its legs crossed and curled up the ENTIRE time and she wasn't able to tell us the baby's gender. I cried. I was so happy to see that our baby is healthy and growing but we had a small get-together planned in Clinton for dinner to reveal the gender to our parents!! So we made our calls on the way home to let everyone know that baby Lehman was healthy, but still keeping its gender a mystery!! We ended up having dinner with Mom, Steven, Jackson, Anna Katherine, Chandler, Katy, and Dillon.

Excited faces before the ultrasound!!
Baby Lehman
Legs crossed...
After our WMMC ultrasound, I was just not satisfied with not knowing what this little booger is so we made an appointment with Prenatal Imaging in Overland Park for a gender ultrasound for Monday July, 21st. Not even 1 minute into our ultrasound, she was able to tell us that we are having a sweet baby GIRL!! We can't wait to meet our sweet little baby girl Avery Mae Lehman!!!
She was looking at us! Her little hands are always up by her face:)
Here is what Avery's little face looks like in 3D ultrasound,
it's too early for her face to be all chunky and the machine picks up
too much that isn't just baby.
Here is Avery's little bottom and her leg in 3D!